Saturday, February 17, 2007

When we visit these "modern doctors", I think we tend to forget that they are great grand sons and daughters of those doctors that drilled holes in our great grand father's heads to cure a mental disease.

What drove me to this conclusion is that sorry bitch residing on one of the ambulances in Budapest today. She thought herself sooo superior, she was working hard to make me feel how she deserves a better job than fixing my 6 year old brother.

Between two innocent smiles I was thinking how many screw drivers could I possibly force into her head, and from that perspective what counts to be hear "head.

Not having any screw drivers at hand I had to drop that plan however appealing.

That was before two strange looking young ambulance guys walked in joking around with how much time they got and so on. Appearantly they came for a bum who actually just walked away by the time these super motivated folks got there. Left dutyless, they thought this is one of those cool opportunites when they can sit on a chair and start chitchatting about the Hungarian society and such issues I was dieing to hear their opinion on. They did this, while I was sitting behind the table shirtless as Miss Whyamistuckhere was supposed to listen to my chest with a stetoscope this time. I am a patient man. Ok, no I am not when I am shirtless listening to idiots, so I told her to do what she is for. You should have seen that face. Ah.. I refused to act angry.. as she could screw me quiet well.. so I just thanked her for the outstanding service and started walking home with a decent smile on my face already thinking about where could I keep my screw drivers at home.....