Sunday, December 14, 2008

I have some good experience with company parties. At my former employer we used to throw halloween parties, which most of the time I used for one purpose only. Its funny how much better clients take criticism from a shitfaced zombie than they would from a junior guy in their consulting partner agency. I never got to the bottom of that logic... :S

Long story short when I got invited to a company party this weekend, I went glady. I am not sure how wide your universe of company party experiences is, but in mine I had just explored a new solar system. IF a company is a BIG AUDITING GIANT, and you have a feeling that it WILL be a huge party disaster, take my word: run the other directon.
My experience? It WAS a GIANT Friday night fuckup to go there, and I SHOULD have listened to my gut feeling.

When we crossed a signed that said Budapest on it, I should've gotten at least slightly suspicious.. at least because of the straight red line crossing the word diagonally. "Half way there" said the cab driver with that reassuring smile of his. I am not sure if it was comforting because I had some wine working in me, or because I saw him before in the movie "A nightmare on Elm street". We finally get to the outskirts of town for a local ice stadium, and look-at-what-we-have here.
  1. Hundreds of people who said "S&P 500 ENERGY INDEX" BEFORE they learned how to say "Mom", "Dad" or "Super size please", so weird people.
  2. Cheap and not cold wine lovers paradise bar, with a "we dont believe beer or shots are good for you" policy
  3. OK tasting, but long lasting effect food. - I found its secrets out the past two days, thank you Mr.Cook, I hope you and all your friends get some advanced hospitality training in Guantanamo Resorts and Spa.
  4. a "we dont have no creativity" section upstairs where people who walk among us as managers during the day, rejoiced in the fun of painting paper boxes in all colors of the rainbow. Whats fun if that isnt? I certainly enjoyed watching and figuring out who would fly what direction if someone was to blow a few granades in strategically fun spots.
  5. All time top three finisher of the "Most manly and fun sport in the worl" competition - Curling.
  6. Random dudes probably from under the ground departments.
I set out for some Ice skating. I already began feeling as the gentle wind blew against my face as I was developing speed. I am a really bad skater, so this was some experience for me. Than I began to gain more speed and feel a little more of the wind. Soon the other skaters felt like swooshing lines that I so just happened to pass.. Than, suddenly, one of the lines dropped in front of me on the ice. As a general rule, I would like to advise all of you that no matter what sport you pick, you first learn how to stop doing that sport. This particular line who soon developed the shape of a girl lieing on the floor was in trouble, and I think she knew it. About a hundred kilos of pure friendship was flying towards her with quite some speed, and today, that warm feeling had sharp skates on its legs... BUT before I would run into her, and she would feel like she never felt before, I managed to stop and save her "ran over me" virginity. I did that so effectively that my centre of gravity walked a few steps behind me, and I smacked the ice with my back - all on purpose of course.

Later, after having had a few pointless and astonishingly predictable conversations, a few bad drinks, a crash, food I would rather not call food, I was walking out of company party ice skate paradise with a wide smile on my face.

No channel will show you this sort of comedy these days, I am definately coming back next year :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D